India’s Next Generation Missile Boats

07 May, 2020

Indian Navy plans to induct six new next generation Missile Boats/Vessels under make in India program.

The missile vessel primary mission indicated as surface warfare unlike most other missile boats perform only Anti shipping.previously Indian navy used the Russian missile boats that can bring down entire Karachi and did awesome work in the 1971 WAR. and get the Nickname Killer Squadron. thus later replaced by the corvette’s.

It seems navy didn’t satisfied those Corvette’s they need new generation missile Boats. but here the missile vessel have 8 VLS or Tubes for Surface attack this can be added with either Nirbhay LACM ( Land Attack Cruise Missile ) or Combination of Brahmos land attack and anti shipping cruise missiles. the Nirbhay can strike target far more than 1200 kilometers with impressive loitering capability. also flies at low level and reduced RCS. so hard to be tracked by enemy air defence radars.

Mach 3 Capable Brahmos Cruise Missile is a fearsome Weapons system which even a Captain of an Aircraft carrier will fear due to its kinetic punch coming from its 300kg warhead and its ability to sink largest of the warships with ease. With MTCR restriction gone 800km BrahMos MK4 will be formidable Surface to Surface weapon system too which can be used to attack port and Naval facilities when required

Missile boats will have reduced RCS. so it will be hard to be detected by enemy ships. and along with lower acoustic signatures to make the ship hard to be detect by sonar’s. both of these specification indicates the ship hull should be stealth in design and material.

These ships will be able accomodate some 100 Navy personel include 11 officers. so the ship size provide beds and other living features and stocks food.

Courtesy: Opera News/