Ladakh Triggers Andamans Build-Up Plans

Jul 4, 2020

NEW DELHI: India is now looking to fast-track plans for basing additional military forces in the strategically-located Andaman & Nicobar archipelago, along with the requisite development of infrastructure, as an effective counter to China’s expanding strategic presence in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR).

Defence sources on Friday said the long-pending plans for “force accretion” and “military infrastructure development” at the A&N Islands have “gained a sense of urgency” with China’s aggressive and expansionist moves both along the 3,488-km Line of Actual Control as well as the IOR.

The Andaman Nicobar Command (ANC) was set up in 2001 as the country’s first — and till now the only — “theatre” command with all land, sea and air forces under one operational commander. But it has for long suffered from general apathy, fund crunches, lack of environmental clearances to build infrastructure and, of course, crippling turf wars among the three services.

But that could be a thing of the past now. The ongoing troop confrontation in eastern Ladakh with China is making the defence establishment re-examine ANC’s role as India’s crucial military outpost that overlooks China’s critical sea lanes transporting the bulk of its crude oil imports and other trade through the Malacca Strait. These “choke points” of China can be swiftly threatened, if required, by Indian warships and aircraft operating from the ANC.

Courtesy: TOI