Cdr VG Jayaprakasan MD
(India) Ltd
and Mr Sergei
Dy Chief Designer Kamov
in New Delhi unveiling details to IDC
The Indian Armed Forces were captive users of Russian
hardware and several badly needed ship and aircraft equipment and
engines went back and forth to Russia for servicing, at times
causing delays and operational gaps. The cost of transportation was
phenomenal, especially in case of bought out equipment like ships,
aircraft and helicopters but
India had no
option. In case of new buys a guarantee period was assured by
Russian suppliers and they replaced parts at their cost, but as all
who have operated Russian equipment know, the problems began after
the guarantee period was over Russian part numbers for spares are
very poorly tabulated. Now help is round the corner for the Indian
Armed Forces with Rosboronservice, which helped IN keep ships
operational, stocked spares and made parts lists easier and more
accurate, deciding to set up shop in
The Russians realised that India had other options and the competition
had to be met head on.
The good news is that with immediate effect, the Russian
manufacturers/vendors of defence equipment have outsourced the
responsibility of maintaining the equipment supplied by them to
India, to a
new joint venture called Rosoboronservice (India)
Ltd. This company is a unique venture in many ways. Rosoboronservice
(India) Ltd, is the first joint venture in which, consequent to a
decree by the Russian President, eight Russian defence
manufacturers/vendors joined hands with an Indian company, that too
in the private sector! The Indian company is Krasny Marine Services
Pvt Ltd.
Rosoboronservice (India)
Ltd will also operate a bonded warehouse to stock spares for Russian
defence equipment, so that these items are readily available and do
not have to be indented from Russia. This is an area that has in
the recent past been a contentious issue and caused a lot of
heartburn to the Indian Armed Forces. The new venture gives
employment to highly skilled, retired ex-servicemen of the Indian
Armed Forces, thereby putting their unique skills and training to
productive use in the cause of the nation. This in itself is a
unique concept for India, where otherwise, thousands of highly
skilled technical personnel retire every year, even though they
still have many years of productive life ahead of them.
Commander VG Jayaprakasan, a very accomplished technical
naval officer is the Managing Director of the new venture, and in
his words Rosoboronservice (India)
Ltd., has been incorporated as an Indian company on 28 April 2005
after the due approval of the President of the
Russian Federation
and under a special Governmental Decree. The founder members of the
company are Rosoboronexport, Avrora Corporation, Granit Meridian,
Altair, Salute, Tactical Missile Corporation, and Electropribor from
Russia and M/s. Krasny Marine Services Pvt. Ltd from
The board of directors comprises the General Directors of all the
promoter companies, which is expected to ensure quicker
decision-making and speed of execution. The mandated activities of
the company include repairs and maintenance of systems to spare
parts supply, training of personnel, etc. Thus, it is a major
initiative from the Russian side to improve product support and make
it available at the doorstep of the Indian Armed Forces, Cdr Jayaprakasan added.
Rosoboronservice (India)
will service, maintain and supply spares for all Russian/Soviet
origin surface vessels, submarines, missile systems, and aircraft of
the Indian Navy with immediate effect. Within a few months, it shall
also take on the responsibility for Soviet/Russian origin assets of
the Indian Air Force, becoming Russias one-stop-shop in India.
The partner companies of the joint venture are eight Russian and
one Indian. Of the 8 Russian, one, Rosoboronexport is the government
canalising agency. The others are manufacturers or designers. At the
same time, the new entity, Rosoboronservice (India)
is also signing MOUs with all the other defence equipment
manufacturers in Russia, to act as their representatives and service
agents in India.
This venture has the following on their rolls:
Rosoboronexport the apex canalising agency, focussing
primarily on sales of new hardware.
Corporation ship and submarine motion control systems,
missile control systems for ships, power distribution systems, gas
turbine control systems, auxiliary controls and damage control
systems, stabilizer control systems for frigates, steering control
radio equipment and protection against radio interference, air
defence missile systems
radar stations and complexes for detection of air and surface
systems for combined operations of weapons for surface ships,
electromagnetic fields compensation systems, fire-fighting systems
target designation radars, ship borne fire control systems, anti
submarine defence systems
navigation and stabilisation systems for ships and submarines,
Missile Corporation ship borne missile systems, air
launched anti-ship and anti-adar missiles, array of surface to
surface, air to air, air to surface missiles.
The new venture had
also already signed MoUs with the following firms to represent them
in India:
Baltysky Zavod
yard that built Talwar class frigates and one needed repairs in
Design Bureau designer of the Talwar class ships and the
next three Krivacks awaiting order.
yard which is refitting the aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov and
will need support
yard for repairs and refit of Kilo class subs and HSL has begun
the first refit at Vizag.
builder of Kamov helicopters KA 28 and KA 31 AEW
designer of helicopters
designer of Kilo and Amur class submarines. The Amur with Brahmos
is on offer and the President has supported the project. If
Scorpene runs in to trouble on Integrity clause this is a good
Research Institute for Ship Repair Technology design of
shipyards and dockyard based repair facilities. As IN expands this
Institute can contribute.
A number of other MoUs, particularly with aircraft
construction plants and design bureaus are being negotiated, and the
Indian Navy has been offered service. Once that is done, the new
firm will take on the service/maintenance of the Russian supplied
assets of the Indian Air Force. Currently they are already handling
issues connected with maintenance of Kamov, Illyushin and Tupolev
planes with the Indian Navy.
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