A picture
of Naval Dockyard, Mumbai downloaded from Digital Globe a free
utility offered by Google
There is good news for
India in
general and for Indians in particular.
intelligence services in the past were havens for the Indian
Police Service extras but a change is in the air. In the 90s a
Senior Chief Petty Officer looked after maritime affairs in
RAW. Finally the grip of the Indian Police Service on India's
Intelligence services and paramilitary forces is reducing, as
quality is being demanded by a professional PMO and NSA and
that augurs well for the nation's strategic interests. Today
RAW –– India's CIA –- is staffed with bright ex-armed forces
officers who could not climb up the pyramid of the service for
lack of vacancies or other reasons and have now been inducted
into the Intelligence agencies. They are already delivering.
India's NSA
roped in senior officers and bright researchers into the
National Security Council and even the PM's household had a
naval officer some time back for coordination duties, which
worked excellently. More and more India is aping USA's NSC to
guide the country and as media reported it was
NSA who executed the nuclear deal. He has been in Intelligence
all his working life and has dabbled in journalism when out of
Government and written reams for Asian Age. He knows the
background of
politics and personalities and how to tackle issues as he
dealt with the Sri Lankan and Punjab affairs in their most
difficult days.
NSA is now in the South discussing the India–China border with
Chinese Vice Minister Duo Bingguao and had visited
too if media reports are correct. A former DNI who served the
Navy well for years is looking after maritime affairs in
Intelligence, another bright Commodore looks after regional
affairs and so do Army and Air Force officers who have joined
the ranks in Intelligence, including the newly formed NTFO. We
hope this trend continues and bright officers who have had
excellent records are enjoined to serve the nation in new
capacities in Intelligence and hopefully paramilitary forces
too, which today call for a knowledge of security issues and
technical knowledge, which naval officers and technical branch
officers of the other two services are good at. It’s about
analysis too.
As an example we post below a piece of analysis which we did
a year ago on HOLI,
festival of colour. By simple media analysis we were able to
predict sale of F-16s for Pakistan and F-18s and nuclear
plants for India exactly a year back. A read back tells us it
all began with a telephone call from President Bush to Dr
Manmohan Singh and lo and behold we have a nuclear deal which
is progressing, two F-16s were delivered to Pakistan and of
the 70 balance, 24 were offered to Pakistan but President
Muharraff declined to take delivery because of the massive
earthquake and now Gen Kohler is in New Delhi to sell F-18s.
We supported the deal a year ago and wondered why the left
were opposing it as they do even now. Is it because of the
cards they hold and the support they get?
As we thank our visitors for their patronage, we are proudly
hitting the 200,000 hits mark in the last two years and once
again reiterate that this is a service to strengthen
security by a team of three at IDC.
On the subject of Intelligence and analysis we post a picture
taken from Google Earth and it shows Mumbai, so we once again
emphasize that today there should be more openness in India
and acts like Right To Information (RTI) should be encouraged,
our equipment details should not be held secret, the 1927
Official Secrets Act should be repealed and YES operational
plans and operational data and intentions should be guarded
and kept secret.
may have 300 million poor but the nation has more billionaires
and middle class than any other nation save three. The
Government of India is no more in debt if it tots up its
assets against its owings and if Indians' gold hoardings are
counted we could be one of the richest nations in the world.
Dr Manmohan Singh has been looking for means to harness the
gold in households for the benefit of the nation and if he can
do that India will not have to look back in this century!
F 16s For
Pakistan F
18s and Nuclear Plants for India
An IDC Analysis (Reproduced From March 2005.)
Blaring masthead headlines in Indian, Pakistani and US papers
Hindu New Year Day that is celebrated as HOLI refers to the
long telephone conversation President Bush had with PM
Manmohan Singh and the overdue announcement of release of
F-16s to Pakistan by the US government and now the clearance
of F-18s and Nuclear plants for India. These are welcome moves
because they signify a closer relationship, and albeit fuel
the arms race in the sub continent. However, the commercial
aspects deserve some scrutiny and we offer a professional’s
view. Separately we have posted on this site a reference to
the Left side of the UPA Government resenting undue close
military cooperation with
USA and the Russians will now see competition in the
nuclear field.
needs energy and Condelezza Rice has scored brownie points by
her visit and the news of this announcement must have been
mentioned in confidence to her interlocutors. Indian
bureaucrats and political leaders love to hear such news
directly rather than from New York Times or Wall Street
Journal and Condelezza Rice has been told so. Even if we do
not buy these big ticket items lets get all the gen as they
say in the Services.
F-16s and F-18s –– A Comparison
In 1974-76 USAF ran a competition for a lightweight fighter.
General Dynamics entered the YF-16 and Northrop entered the
YF-17. Both were good aircraft. USAF chose the YF-16, partly
because it shares the same engine with their then favourite
fighter, the F-15, which was already flying. Choosing the F-16
helped to reduce the cost of F-15s.
US Navy liked the twin engined YF-17 and, after some
modifications and the involvement of McDonnel Douglas, it
became the F/A-18. Production was awarded to MDD which was
subsequently bought by Boeing. The Navy and the Marines have
been delighted with the plane and
Malaysia and
Australia operate the planes too .Meanwhile, Lockheed bought
the F-16 plant of General Dynamics.
As one can see, the basic technology of both F-16 and F-18 is
that of the 1970s. The F-16 is in the same class as the Mirage
2000, both in performance and cost. And now, USAF has taken
delivery of its last F-16. The line is being kept open only
for international customers like UAE which has the latest
Block D F-16s. See the story below and we reckon the F 18 will
cost some $ 45 bill a piece and F-16 some $ 32 b.
USAF, USN and USMC have already run a competition to replace
the F-16, F-18 and AV-8 Harrier. Both Boeing and Lockheed
entered their designs. The competition was won by Lockheed
with their F-35 JSF (Joint Services Fighter). There are three
versions F-35 A, B & C. Details are available on the Lockheed
Martin website and
UK has also
opted for the plane and Singapore and others have funded the
Britain joined the program in the early phases itself. A
total of 11 countries are already in the program and many of
them will get some workshare. If IAF and IN want to upgrade
and modernise their fighter fleet with US aircraft, the F-35
JSF is the appropriate aircraft, but the cost will be
Ohio. (AFPN)
-- The general who was the F-16 System Program Office director
here when the contract for the aircraft was awarded delivered
the Air Force's last F-16 Fighting Falcon on March 18.While
the Lockheed Martin Aero plant in Fort Worth, Texas, will
continue to produce F-16s for international coalition
partners, this aircraft is the last of 2,231 F-16s produced
for the Air Force, officials said. The first delivery was in
Brig. Gen. Jeff Riemer, now the director of operations at the
Air Force Materiel Command headquarters here, flew the jet
from the Lockheed Martin plant in
Fort Worth
to Shaw Air Force Base, S.C.
For his part, General Riemer said that having flown the very
first F-16B while stationed at Edwards AFB,
Calif., he is
delighted to have had the opportunity to fly the last F-16
produced for the Air Force.
Today's F-16 has significant combat capabilities. This
(version of the) jet has a new computer, multifunctional color
displays, an advanced (Identification Friend or Foe)
interrogator, upgraded data link system and a new helmet with
an automatic target-cueing system. It has been upgraded with
the latest software and cutting-edge precision
weapons,Although this is the last new F-16 expected to be
produced for the (Air Force), the F-16 Systems Group continues
to technically transform the existing fleet of more than 1,300
jets, enabling evolutionary weapons delivery capabilities
through 2025 and making possible a smooth transition to the
F-35, the world's premier multi-role fighter of the future,"
Col. Jansson said.
Commercial Atomic Energy Generation
50 years ago nuclear energy was considered the panacea for
our future energy needs. However, the high environmental
costs, especially the huge cost of closing down and entombing
a nuclear plant after 40–50 years of operation, has changed
everything. The developed world has practically discarded new
commercial nuclear energy plants.
India and
China are the only two major countries where new commercial
nuclear plants are being built. It is only a question of time
and China change their policies about commercial nuclear
plants. So any offer by US of commercial nuclear plants is no
substitute for the gas pipeline from Iran. |