As a year-end tribute to the Indian Navy, we reproduce
below an interview of Admiral Arun Prakash, PVSM, AVSM, VrC,
VSM, ADC, Chief of Naval Staff on the occasion of Navy Day - 4
Dec 2005 by Asian Military Review.

While extending congratulations on the achievements of
the Indian Navy on Navy Day, especially on the swiftest peace
time operational action ever taken by any Navy during the
Tsunami on a fateful Sunday last year, which earned the Navy
many plaudits, could you elaborate on the future induction
programme of 21 ships on order in the Indian Yards and their
time scheduling of induction, as you visualize it?
The tsunami relief operation was a unique and
unprecedented experience for us, and while we are proud of
what we achieved, this disaster had many lessons for us, which
we have encapsulated into an SOP. With jetties damaged and
beaches submerged in the tsunami affected areas, accessing
survivors and getting aid across was a major problem. We
realized that in our part of the world, where disasters are a
frequent occurrence, it is important to have a heavy sealift
and heliborne capability to carry men and material across the
beach. This has now been factored into our force-level plans.
far as our future induction programme is concerned, in order
to keep pace with the Navy’s growing responsibilities, the
government had accorded “in principle” approval to the
Navy’s 15-year shipbuilding and 30 year submarine induction
plans”. Despite this, our force levels, for various reasons
have already gone into decline due to lack of orders in the
period 1985-95. It will be some years before we stabilize,
reverse the declining trend and attain our target force
levels. In any case, we are not fixated on numbers any longer,
and are instead concentrating on acquiring the capabilities
that we need to deliver the necessary effect on the adversary.
These could be delivered by ship, submarine, aircraft, missile
or Special Forces.
we have on order, 26 ships and submarines, which are under
construction or will be built in our shipyards in Mumbai, Goa,
Kochi and Kolkotta. Our yards now encompass the full spectrum
of shipbuilding capability from patrol boats to aircraft
carriers. Let me illustrate this by listing our pending
orders; they include ten fast attack craft, the powerful
Project 15-A destroyers, the Project 17 stealth frigates,
landing ships (tank), a new class of ASW corvettes, offshore
patrol vessels, and of course the 37,500 ton carrier (earlier
called ADS, but now re-designated the Indigenous Aircraft
Carrier). In addition to all this, the former VTOL carrier
Gorshkov, is under modernization in Russia and is due to be
commissioned by 2008.
you include the six Scorpene class submarines, on which work
is due to start in Mumbai soon, we have a shipbuilding package
which is unique and comprehensive. I do not think any
country/navy is embarked on such a varied, ambitious and
exciting endeavour today!
Q: It has often been said that except for Cochin Shipyard
Ltd being somewhat modern, the other Government yards like MDL,
Goa, GRSE and HSL still need a complete revamp both in their
technology of ship building and management practices, if they
are to deliver ships in similar time frames as foreign yards,
and of the same quality. Any views sir?
It is true that at this moment, Cochin Shipyard has
relatively more modern facilities and the biggest dry-dock,
which is why they have bagged the order for building the
indigenous aircraft carrier for us. The other shipyards in the
defence sector (CSL belongs to the Ministry of Shipping) have
lagged behind a bit because so far, there was no institutional
methodology for periodic upgrading/modernizing of
infrastructure. But things are changing now.
said that, we also know that Mazagon Docks is building some of
the most technologically advanced warships today. They are
shortly going to embark on the Scorpene construction programme,
and will soon have many state-of-the-art facilities. Garden
Reach and Goa Shipyard are also in the process of upgrading
their infrastructure. The modern design and manufacturing
capabilities, being acquired by all our shipyards are likely
to be in place by end 2008. We have also embarked on a
Benchmarking and Capacity Assessment programme for our
shipyards to bring them at par with the best in the world.
may be worth noting that a majority of the foreign shipyards,
especially those in East Asia, have gained attention due to
their faster rate of production of merchant vessels. In
contrast, our defence shipyards are focused on warship
building, which is a far more complex and diverse activity.
Neverthesless, there is much scope for improving efficiency
and productivity, and cutting down delivery times by
introducing modern practices in our warship building industry.
the end of this decade, after their upgradation and
modernization, I am confident that the Indian public sector
shipyards will have the capacity to deliver 4-5 major warships
every year, which is the rate required to maintain our target
force levels.
The ABG private yard at Surat is building three 3,000
ton Pollution Control Vessels with helicopter operating
facilities for the Coast Guard with Rolls Royce collaboration.
The yard also hopes to build large 120,000 ton tankers at
Dahej. Larsen and Tubro another large private conglomerate is
doing defence work and has offered to build Amur class
submarines in collaboration with the Amur Corporation in
Russia. Do you see a level playing field for private
shipbuilders to build warships in the future, especially as
foreign collaborators are allowed 24% equity and claim they
can compete with Government yards?
We keep a close watch on the private sector shipyards, and are
well aware of their growing capabilities. We have frequently
made use of their skills, including the construction of some
minor vessels, yard craft and tugs etc, but the private sector
has yet to receive an order for a warship. With the government
opening up the area of defence production to the private
sector (including up to 26% foreign investment) the “playing
field” is (notionally), all set to become level. As far as
we are concerned, we would certainly like the strengths and
efficiencies of the private sector to bolster our shipbuilding
crucial question however, is whether we can or should approach
the private sector unless the order books of the public sector
undertakings (PSUs) are full? There is a view that some
competition will encourage the PSUs to “pull up their
socks” and become more efficient. My personal opinion is
that there are unique strengths in both sectors, and the PSUs
should be looking at outsourcing, offloading and joint-venture
arrangements with private shipyards to create positive
synergies and to improve their own performance. Maybe then,
one day we will be able to have a fair competition between the
two sectors.
Q: Have we done away with cost plus contracts for ship
orders and moved to fixed pricing or are they still the norm?
As per the revised Defence Procurement Procedure – 2005 all
future contracts are to be “fixed price”.
Q: This question may border on policy, but in theory with
the signing of the wide ranging US India Defence Framework do
you support refit of US and other foreign Navy ships in India
and can we be cost effective, and do we have the capacity to
do so at the present. It is reported the US Navy have been
shown some Indian yards and they have carried out an
assessment. This question is asked as that will give valuable
exposure to the technical staff in our yards and will be
beneficial as they will have to execute work to the
satisfaction of foreign inspection agencies?
The Naval Dockyards at Mumbai and Visakhapatnam have very
high levels of skill and technical competence; they are both
ISO 9001:2000 compliant. They have been dry-docking and
refitting the complete inventory of IN ships including
aircraft carriers, submarines, tankers and auxiliaries for
decades now. Over the years they have been acquiring modern
equipment, and adding to their expertise, and today they boast
of advanced technologies like acoustic emission testing of
pipes, ultra high pressure hydro jet-blasting, automated
underwater hull survey, etc.
Naval Dockyards at Mumbai and Visakhapatnam regularly
undertake refits of ships from friendly Indian Ocean navies
like those of Mauritius and Sri Lanka. Last year a French
warship from their Indian Ocean Flotilla also underwent a
short refit at CSL, Kochi. So technically I do not envisage
any problem in carrying out the basic refits of US Navy ships
in India. There may, however, be issues of dockyard capacity
and technical know-how (in respect of US equipment), which
will need further examination.
Q: Could you comment on the programme to build/induct
MCMVs, Hovercraft, DSRVs, Replenishment Tankers and Maritime
Patrol Aircraft as these items keeps coming out in the media
and in some cases RFPs i.e. Requests for Proposal have been
We are examining two offers of second-hand MCM vessels, one
from the UK and another from the US. But our main thrust will
be to build MCMVs in India at Goa Shipyard. That plan is very
much on the cards, and we hope to start building the vessels
in a year or so.
far as maritime reconnaissance capability is concerned, our
upgraded Ilyushin-38 Maritime Patrol Aircraft will return from
Russia very shortly and will provide a boost to this
capability. A proposal to replace our ageing Tupolev-142(M)
Long Range Maritime Patrol and Anti-submarine Warfare aircraft
has also been approved by the government, and we are on the
verge of issuing an RFP.
One of our fleet tankers is due to be de-commissioned shortly,
and we looked at various options for either buying or building
one. In all likelihood we will build one and the RFPs should
be out shortly. As regards the DSRV, our selection process has
just been completed and we
are in the process of contracting for one such vessel, which
should be delivered by 2008. Meanwhile, we
also have are about to conclude very long drawn out
negotiations with the US Navy to utilize their Submarine
Rescue “Flyaway Kit”, should the need arise.
Q: Please indicate the Navy’s approach on the 17,000 ton LPD USS
Trenton and USS Blackhawk MCMV which the Indian Navy inspected
at Corpus Christi? Admittedly the ships are old, but they are
operational and well maintained and their technology is
current. The Navy will surely be able to employ them
fruitfully for peaceful humanitarian missions in the Indian
Ocean along with operational sealift missions, and at $40 mill
isn’t the USS Trenton attractive and timely?
Indian Navy is examining the suitability of the 17,000 ton LPD
USS Trenton and four Osprey class MCMVs, for induction into
the Indian Navy under the Excess Defence Articles (EDA)
programme of the US Navy. The LPD was commissioned in 1971.
I said earlier, the tsunami had highlighted the need of an
“across the beach” heavy lift capability for our Navy. A
ship like an LPD which provides such a capability through
embarked helicopters and integral landing craft can play a
pivotal role, not only in amphibious operations but also in
disaster relief. Seeing that we operate in a peacetime
scenario most of the time, disaster relief now looms large in
our calculus. The IN assessment team which visited US and
sailed on board USS Trenton has assessed that it has a
residual life of at least 15 years. As you have brought out,
the offer is both cost effective and timely, and we have
proposed the acquisition of this ship along with some
offer of ex-USN MCMVs is also being evaluated by Naval
Q: With Indian economy set to accelerate,
India’s civil appetite for qualified manpower will increase.
It has been often acknowledged, that the Navy because of its
technological edge, trains its personnel well and even
qualifies them for civil employment. Yet the pyramid for
promotion in the Navy is skewed and only 16% or so of all
officers make it to selective Captain rank (Deputy Secretary)
in their 19/20th year. Therefore, those capable
officers that do not, are tempted to leave and take up civil
jobs given the salaries they are offered today, and the good
pension benefits they receive? Is it an upcoming HRD challenge
for a fast expanding Navy and how does the Navy plan to tackle
All Armed Forces in the world have to live with a pyramid-like
structure, which is necessary due to their peculiar hierarchy,
and command & control requirements. With the envisaged
growth in the Indian economy and the influence of market
forces, attractive avenues for employment of our youth have
certainly become a reality. We see both these conditions not
as challenges, but as opportunities that complement each
other, and are addressing this situation with a win-win
strategy for all.
Navy operates at the high end of the technological and
management spectrum. This means that the training and exposure
that our personnel receive, qualifies them for good jobs in
the outside market and provides a viable “second career”
option which are confined not just to the merchant navy. In
addition to our Permanent Commission entry, we have embarked
on a “Short Service” Commission programme under which we
recruit officers for a 7, 10 or 14 year liability. At the end
of this period, they are free to go out, and will not impede
the promotion path of those who are in for the long term.
We are satisfied that we can pick out bright young people from
“civvy” street, use their services for a finite period,
all the while “value adding” to their abilities and then
let them go. The majority of naval personnel find their
transition to the civilian world smooth, and we are proud of
the Navy’s contribution to nation-building by these
Q: Coming to exercises, the Indian Navy deserves
congratulations on the number of exercises and outbound visits
it has taken part in, and in the bargain brought much credit
and pride to the nation. How much and what does the Navy
benefit from these exercises?
The period
after the end of the Cold War has seen a coordinated
deployment of the Indian Navy and engagement with regional and
extra regional navies, in conformity with our foreign policy
in the post 9/11 period, the stabilizing role of the Indian
Navy in the IOR has been acknowledged and recognized by all
major and minor navies in the region. After the relative
isolation imposed upon us by the Cold War imperatives, we
ourselves have also recognized the value of co-operative
security and have consequently embraced the idea of
international maritime cooperation. Over the past two years,
we have held over 22 joint exercises with foreign navies. The
ones that have been institutionalized have been given code
names, and include Malabar Exercises with the US Navy, Varuna
with France, Simbex with Singapore, Konkan with UK, Indra
series with Russia, and Thammar ul Thaiyyab with Oman. We also
arrange a multilateral gathering of regional navies in Port
Blair biennially and this is called Milan. Defence Agreements/MoUs
and Coordinated Patrols with regional countries like
Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia and Vietnam have also
been concluded and some more are in the pipeline.
overall objective of such bilateral exercises is two-fold. At
the basic level, it is to improve mutual understanding and
cooperation, overcome communication barriers (if any) and to
evolve inter-operability through common drills and procedures.
Once confidence is established, the forces move on to the next
higher level of mutual learning by undertaking exercises,
which demand enhanced professional skills at the tactical or
operational levels. The degree of complexity of the exercises
increases over a period of time, affording our personnel
excellent training value. Beside, the inter-operability
established during such exercises always stands us in good
stead during emergencies (like the recent Tsunami disaster).
As per Naval plans, come 2008 the aircraft carrier Admiral
Gorshkov will have joined the Fleet and be the most potent
warship in the East with tailor-made MiG 29Ks and a
devastating airborne missile arsenal with commonality with the
IAF. The IAF itself will be operating three Phalcon Digital
AWACS on IL-76 platforms which can also operate at sea. Do you
see this taking India’s Navy in to a true blue water era and
its reach cover the SLOCs and major areas of the Indian Ocean,
and how would assure our neighbours who may feel uneasy about
these developments?
Let me answer the second part of your question first. The
issue of comfort or “uneasiness” in the neighbourhood
should be directly related to a nation’s historical track
record. The last time that we invaded anyone was about a
thousand years ago, when the Chola and Sri Vijay dynasties
launched a “cultural/religious” invasion whose impact is
visible in places like Angkor Wat, Ayudhia, Borobudur or Bali
in South East Asia. Ever since independence we have maintained
an impeccable track record of non-alignment and
non-interference in the affairs of others. At the same time,
we have always lent a helping hand in the neighbourhood, often
at considerable cost to ourselves. The tsunami relief
operations were just the latest example.
expensive lesson that history has taught us is that it is not
enough to be economically strong. You remain vulnerable to
coercion, interference and even invasion, unless your economic
achievements are underpinned by corresponding military
strength. Maritime power which includes naval forces is a
vital component of this military muscle.
Indian maritime vision for the 21st Century looks
at the arc from the Persian Gulf to the Straits of Malacca as
our legitimate area of interest and concern. India’s own
maritime responsibilities encompass the security of a long
coastline and our EEZ, safety of our shipping and sea lanes,
and protection of island territories, among other things.
Additionally, we not only have an international commitment,
but it is also in our own vital interest to uphold peace and
tranquility in these waters and ensure that seaborne trade
proceeds without let or hindrance.
strategic outlook for the next 10-15 years in the Indian Ocean
is fraught with uncertainty, and we need to remain on our
guard on the high seas. An aircraft carrier task force would
be an ideal instrument to achieve “sea control” in an area
of our choosing, provide protection to surface forces and
convoys, or to project force in the littoral. The Gorshkov
would therefore certainly help us in attaining a more credible
“blue water capability”, if you wish to call it that.
Finally Sir, this is personal. As a young naval 'top gun'
fighter pilot who trained with distinction at Lossiemouth UK
to fly Seahawks off the carrier INS Vikrant, you had the
unique distinction to fly Hunters in an IAF Squadron in the
1971 war and the kills earned you a well deserved Vir
Chakra from the Navy’s sister service the fine Indian
Air Force. Do you see the Armed Forces moving to “Purple
Hat” inter-service postings at higher ranks as an essential
ingredient for Flag Rank, to bring about inter service synergy
so essential in today’s scenario?
To set the record straight on a minor point, I am no 'top gun'
pilot. Also I trained in RAF Wittering and RNAS Yeovilton in
UK to fly the Sea Harrier off (the former) HMS Hermes, about
25 years ago.
who serve in integrated organizations like the IDS HQ, the
Andaman Nicobar Command and the Strategic Forces Command are
already “purple hatted” to a great extent. However we are
still some distance from the point where a “purple hat” or
a joint tenure could be made a pre-requisite for promotion to
Flag Rank.
is so in the US Armed Forces, but do remember that it took a
great deal of internecine warfare in their Services, and
considerable blood-letting before an act of Congress (the
famous Goldwater-Nichols Department of Defence Reorganization
Act of 1986) could be passed. This Act legislates every single
aspect of “Jointmanship” in the US Forces, from the post
of Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff, downwards. That is probably
the only way to achieve “purple hatting” as you probably
see it.