New Delhi, 03 October 2015

The Prime Minister
was honest when confessing that the OROP promise was made before its
full financial implications had been calculated. The defence
minister appears to have been “clever”. When shortcomings in his 5
September announcement were immediately pointed out he claimed all
residual problems would be resolved when the detailed order was
issued after 20 days - that time-frame has expired, now defence
ministry sources say it could take another two to four weeks for the
formulation to be declared. Two immediate conclusions are that
“military efficiency” continues to elude the bureaucrats in Manohar
Parrikar’s squad, and that the highly-publicised statement the
minister had made with the three Service chiefs in tow had been
essentially to comply with an extra-Constitutional diktat. When the
RSS put members of the ministerial council through the wringer it
ordered that the OROP announcement be made ahead of the Bihar polls,
it was alive to the political implications. The ministry now asserts
that since the initial announcement has already been made the Model
Code of Conduct does not preclude releasing details - further
confirmation that the tamasha of 5 September was a cheap political
ploy. A diversionary tactic plotted by the dirty-tricks department.
While not everybody applauds the tactics of the Jantar Mantar
agitators, there must be some appreciation of their refusing to be
misled by ministerial assertions and sustaining a protest that many
expected to fizzle out some three weeks ago. The veterans have
displayed a brand of “staying power” that is rooted in their
rigorous professional training.
inevitable casualty of the little-explained delay is the credibility
of the NDA government, the defence minister in particular. The
suspicion would be that the BJP’s much-stated backing of the armed
services was mere lip-service, political jingoism. For the serving
personnel would see no difference between the government’s attitude
towards their senior citizens and themselves. With the Pay
Commission award likely to throw up several pinpricks - or worse -
the dawdling on OROP is ominous.
Manohar Parrikar
appears unaware of the impact on morale right down the line.
Henceforth his word will be taken with the proverbial pinch of salt:
with a major difference, it is while placing a finger on a bowl of
salt that the fauji swears allegiance to “king and country”. The
continuing agitation could have another negative impact too: after
seeing their “officer sahibs” raising slogans, making
politically-loaded statements and even snubbing the President (the
Supreme Commander) the “men” might see nothing wrong in resorting to
similar kinds of protest. The military ethos is wilting, and
commanding officers ought to be “alive” to the potential spread of
the cancer of indiscipline. Everybody is playing with fire.