An IDC Analysis 


New Delhi, 08 February 2003

By studying the life and times of dictators such as Stalin, Hitler and Chairman Mao, Mohan Guruswamy has come to the conclusion that –– “There is a relationship between absolute power and the behavior of leaders seeking a part of it. The more centralized a system is, the greater the dictatorial tendencies allowing even small people to wield great power. We get to see this even in India."

"It is possibly because of this that China’s level of income inequality is about the same as India’s, in that the top ten percent account for more than 45% of the national income.... No nation can wait endlessly while the rulers are making hay and when the sons and sons-in-law shine. It must be made to listen to the clamor of the people and meet their minimal expectations.”

We hope that there is a lesson in this for our leaders too.

Not in the name of Mao!

By Mohan Guruswamy

Even when the true inner workings of great dictatorships are revealed, they are posthumous revelations. In “The Last Days of Hitler” the British historian, Sir Hugh Trevor-Roper, who died at 89 in Oxford, England on January 26, painted “an extraordinary picture of a deluded, isolated Nazi leadership holed up in the bunker and believing right to the end that it would turn defeat into victory.” Professor Trevor-Roper served in Britain’s Secret Intelligence Service during WWII and this account was based on the official investigation into Hitler’s fate conducted by the Allied Powers. The main purpose of the Allied investigation was to establish once and for all that Hitler was dead, because his remains were not found.

The world got an inner glimpse of how Stalin’s dictatorship of the proletariat functioned when Nikita Khrushchev denounced his excesses and the personality cult he fostered in a secret speech at the Twentieth Party Conference in Moscow in February 1956. In his memoirs “Khrushchev Remembers” published in the West from a clandestinely obtained manuscript, Khrushchev captures the arbitrariness and brutality of Stalin’s terror. We also learn about the drinking binges and the sheer commonness of the rest of the leaders as they succumbed to fear and Stalin’s awesome personality. Through these memoirs we get snapshots of history being made by small and devious men like Lavrenti Beria, and how great military personalities like Marshal Klementi Voroshilov and politicians like Anastas Mikoyan were reduced to mere buffoons whose places in the hierarchy were ensured by keeping Stalin in good humor and nourishing his vast ego. Khrushchev makes no apologies for his own cravenness, making it more than apparent several times that otherwise there was no way to make it.

Soon after the death of VI Lenin in 1924, collective leadership died in the Soviet Union as Stalin consolidated his position as General Secretary of the CPSU, and concentrated all power in himself through a process of murder and ideological posturing. Soon after he took over he drove his great rival Leon Trotsky into exile, had Sergei Kirov, the party’s charismatic boss in Leningrad, murdered on December 1, 1934 and then charged leaders like Grigori Zinoviev, Lev Kamenev, Nikolai Bukharin and others who were great Lenin’s closest comrades, labeled “Moscow Centre”, with conspiring to kill Kirov. They were all shot, but not after they “confessed” in great show trials. At the same time Stalin purged the Red Army and an entire generation of its leaders including Marshal Tukachevsky were liquidated. Common people suffered even more. Robert Conquest in his two books, “Harvest of Sorrow” and “The Great Terror” vividly portrays the excesses in which just in 1937–38 it is estimated that 10 million Russians were killed. When Stalin, the former Georgian bank-robber Joseph Dzhugashvili, died in 1953 there were 12 million prisoners held in vast labor camps in the most desolate parts of Siberia.

But to get a real feel about how Stalin’s innermost coterie worked, we had to wait for “The Inner Circle” a film directed by the Russian director, Andrei Konchalovsky, and made possible by Mikhail Gorbachov’s experiment with freedom, Perestroika. This is the story of Ivan Sanshin, Stalin’s film projectionist and his great admirer. The workings of the Kremlin in wartime Russia were recreated as only possible in the former Soviet Union. The sets were elaborate and the actors all bore uncanny resemblances to the leaders. As the leaders grovel and worm their way into Stalin’s good graces they are vicious to each other and most unconcerned with the plight of common people who stoically suffer the worst excesses committed in their name. Such is the “truth” created by relentless propaganda that even as his neighbors keep disappearing and even despite the impregnation of his own wife by Beria, Sanshin continues to hero-worship Stalin. It is only after the destruction of his family and the death of Stalin that Sanshin finally seems to grasp the “truth”?

But history has been kinder to Mao Zedong. Possibly because he became America’s ally in a crucial period of the Cold War and almost definitely because his successor Deng Xiaoping preferred to let him be even as he reversed Mao’s disastrous economic policies. Even after he ruthlessly dispensed with Hua Guofeng, Mao’s chosen successor, and the notorious Gang of Four headed by Mao’s widow, Jiang Qing, Deng did not openly denounce Mao. It could be pragmatism for even after death Mao commanded millions of loyalties, but also because Deng preferred to focus on economic policies without changing the nature of the Chinese state.

Mao Zedong had become an Emperor who could even threaten to make war on the Communist Party, as he did in 1962 when the party leadership criticized the disastrous consequences of the so-called Great Leap Forward. In 1959 when the legendary Marshal Peng Dehuai and at that time China’s Defence Minister criticized it in a private letter to Mao, he was ruthlessly purged, and imprisoned till he died in 1974. The former Chairman Liu Shaoqi fared worse. Even as the head of the state he was dragged out of his residence in Zhongnanhai by a mob of Red Guards, beaten and stripped as the PLA garrison troops watched. Liu too died in prison. Like Marshal Peng he too asked questions about the efficacy of the Great Leap Forward and the extravagant claims of food production being made when millions were dying of starvation. Deng himself similarly suffered and was imprisoned only to be released after Lin Biao’s abortive and fatal flight. Mao’s terror was no less arbitrary and capricious than Stalin’s. 

Mao was an avid student of Chinese history and would often say: “we have to learn from the past to serve the present.” That morality had no place in Mao’s politics was evident in that the Emperors he admired most were the most ruthless and cruel of the long line of tyrants who ruled China. The ruler who Mao admired most was the Emperor Qin Shihuangdi (221-206 BC) who founded the imperial China that lasted nearly two thousand years. He too vastly expanded China by absorbing smaller nations. He constructed roads, introduced weights and measures, and built the Great Wall that still stands. He also killed and persecuted thousands if not millions. The Chinese people also considered him a cruel tyrant because he killed Confucian scholars and burned classical books. But Mao considered all these minor aberrations and argued that the good outweighed the bad.

This was exactly Mao’s attitude when the CCP told him that at least ten million had died between 1959–61 in the famines that resulted after Peoples Communes were forcibly formed. Just in the manner Bal Thackeray would argue that Hitler had made Germany strong and powerful, built the autobahns and gave the German people Volkswagen cars at affordable prices, and what if he killed a few million Jews and waged war on all of Germany’s neighbors?

But we get an extraordinary glimpse of the kind of person Mao was from “The Private Life of Chairman Mao” by his long time personal physician; Dr.Zhisui Li was in Mao’s inner circle till he died in 1976. Li has written a unique historical and political biography. It is an astonishing story of human weakness and pettiness, as well of great political intrigue in the Chairman’s court. He tells all about Mao’s voracious sexual appetite and Daoist beliefs in the mystical healing power of sex, his life of indolent luxury and the deep paranoia that afflicted him and periodically manifested with devastating consequences, not only to those around him but to the Chinese nation as well. He tells about Mao’s abominable personal habits –– like he never brushed his teeth and only rinsed it with tea and that he seldom bathed. He tells of the imperial grandeur and lavish lifestyle of the rulers living in the secure Zhongnanhai compound in Beijing, when the Chinese people were starving and living in the most abject poverty. He tells about how Zhang Yufeng, the last of Mao’s many mistresses acquired so much power that even Premier Zhou Enlai who died in 1976 had to wait outside her room when wanted to see Mao. This book is great relevance to us at a time when a major part of the country is now stricken by Naxalite violence and where the state is under attack by those apparently inspired by Chairman Mao.

There is a relationship between absolute power and the behavior of leaders seeking a part of it. The more centralized a system is, the greater the dictatorial tendencies allowing even small people to wield great power. We get to see this even in India. The great lesson of Public Administration is that it is the nature of the regime that determines the outcome. It is possibly because of this that China’s level of income inequality is about the same as India’s, in that the top ten percent account for more than 45% of the national income. Quite clearly it doesn’t matter if the cat is black or white, if it is fat and lazy it will not catch the mice.

I am not opposed to force when the state’s oppression is unbearable and it remains uncaring. There is little that can be said in justification of a system that persists in keeping at least 300 million people in perpetual starvation, deprivation and ignorance for it is a system that oppresses the very people who sustain it.  No nation can wait endlessly while the rulers are making hay when the sons and son-in-laws shine. It must be made to listen to the clamor of the people and meet their minimal expectations. To coerce it to good behavior is an inalienable right. But to do this in the name of Chairman Mao is to demonstrate ignorance of history and barrenness of ideology, and only beget more of the same.

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