New Delhi, 10
November 2003

old file picture of the IAF's Tempest Squadron
Internet and E-mail have revolutionised fast and accurate
communications. The computing power of today’s computers and
availability of broad band to transmit pictures and messages to a
large audience from one’s own home have removed the barrier of
distance and inability to converse directly with one’s audience!
Those with little resources but passion, are able to contribute
economically to any endeavour by sending the written word and
pictures from all over the world.
is now very computer literate, kids and grandmothers included and we
need to thank Rajiv Gandhi, a pilot himself, for ushering in the
computer revolution. The barriers to security are also breaking down
and many truths get unearthed aka Tehelka. We are therefore thrilled
to report that the IAF History Group has been doing path-breaking
work by networking on email many interested and dedicated IAF and
other personnel to share history with each other. Their work is
even we, as part of the group are better educated on the glorious
history, daredevilry and unselfish acts of the pilots of the Indian
Air Force, which remained unsung because MOD still did not feel
inclined to release for research historical documents of the war or
times gone by. So this piece comes soon after we reported and
analysed on our site how Martin Baker Safety Seats saved 174 Indian
pilot lives. Many congratulated us and sent in stories, hence this
piece in that vein to glorify the IAF.
IAF Chief ACM S Krishnaswamy, a test pilot also comes out as a
strong visionary. The Chief stated he will take the IAF from the
present 39½ squadrons to 45 squadrons by 2010 and then to 60
squadrons. With the way India’s economy is going we can achieve
this and he is posing faith in the LCA by providing funds and
support. The experience of the SU 30 MKI gives him the courage. If
the LCA clicks, and it can if the DRDO/HAL/ADA collaborate with a
large experienced military aircraft manufacturer, then the Air
Chiefs and IAF’s dream will be reralised sooner than he thinks.
history and pride are the backbones of any fighting service, and
history must be preserved. The Army has regiments where loyalty is
endemic and they have charted their histories painstakingly. The IAF
has squadrons and so they are doing it in that fashion, squadron
wise as they fly the same category of planes and face risks
together. The Navy unfortunately has no continuity and low risk
(except pilots) in peace and loyalty to a ship remains only till you
command or serve in it. Then loyalty changes to the next ship and
the earlier one could well be your competitor.
reproduce an article received from a veteran pilot on ‘low
flying’, which was the credo years ago just as ‘good ship
handling’ was in the Navy. Now it is ruled out to ensure least
risks to man and equipment.
Received From A Veteran
lowest low flying I have ever seen from the ground was when I was a
cadet, by Lalkaka in a Texan T6G –– he weaved in and out between
the hangars! The next was by late Bundle Tyagi (the original) who
was my instructor and after a Nav Test showed his approval by taking
over controls and beating up Udaipur town. In Srinagar, I once
witnessed a low pass by late Sandhu (Black Leader as he was known)
when he was to ferry a Gnat to Ambala, which was so low that it
shook the tents on the ORP with the blast.
that were two occasions in the flying club by an air force guy
called GD Singh (who later I believe joined Air India). He and
Duggie Sargon and Eric Allen were posted in NCC Bangalore (probably
as a result of some inappropriate activity) and they played havoc at
the flying club. Once GD Singh and Eric Allen came over the Jakkur
club in some Vampires that they had managed to get hold of at HAL
and beat up the place. I was told of an incident by a club member
(who later joined and retired from Indian Airlines) and was watching
from an airborne aircraft about GD Singh in a Tiger Moth doing
aerobatics that appeared so low from the air that they were terribly
scared he would crash –– finally his engine stalled when he was
inverted and I believe he did not bother to restart but continued
descending inverted and just flipped over at almost round out height
and landed.
Singh used to do crazy things like seeing how many continuous loops
one could do in a glider after launch. Jakkur those days just had a
grass field with a fence on one side separating it from the highway.
Once when some people in a car had parked next to the fence to watch
the gliding and GD Singh had gone to the fence between launches to
spring a leak, told them to park across the road as he liked to come
in low over the fence for landings –– they told him that it was
a public road and they would park anywhere they wanted. On the very
next launch, he came low and deliberately bumped his skid on the car
roof and then went and landed. The car roof caved in and he
profusely apologised and told the guys to come to the NCC HQ to
claim compensation the next day. The next day they got together with
Duggie Sargon in the NCC office, had a big laugh and waited for the
guys to turn up. When they did, Duggie piled into them and blamed
them for everything and threatened them with dire consequences and
chased them away. Boy, were those the days when one could get away
with anything!
those days, was not fenced in and cattle used to graze there! The
CFI was a grisly old ex-RIAF guy called Mathai. His first job for
the day was to get airborne before flying started and chase all the
cattle out of the field with the Tiger Moth! He used to be so low
that his wheels would just be off the ground and he had to climb to
avoid hitting the cattle as they ran for their lives. Incidentally,
there was no R/T fitted on the aircraft those days and on the first
solo, Mathai used to stand near the touch down and frantically wave
at you to go around if he felt the round off was not right!
test pilot Suranjan Das used to do some incredible low flying at
heights that appeared as low or lower than in the photos you've sent
–– except that he used to be inverted! He used to fly along the
dip/hump in the runway at Bangalore at a constant height inverted in
a Gnat and when asked why he did that said that he could not judge
his height if he did not keep all the slabs the same size!!"
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