New Delhi, 19 February 2003

IAF conducted its first ever exercise with a foreign air force on
Indian soil and the lid was off all security –– though the draconian
Indian Security Act of 1927 is still in force. The French now know
more about the IAF at Gwalior than Indians, but then that is the way
of Indians and our ‘white skin complex’. We compliment the IAF
for having gone ahead and carried out many sorties (media
reported 200 sorties) with Beyond Visual Range (BVR) and Within
Visual Range (WVR) tactics –– with Indian pilots flying in
French Mirages, which have better Radars than the Indian RDYs.
reported Indian pilots also learnt about mid-air refuelling from the
French KC 135s (converted Boeing 707s). The IAF is soon to acquire
the IL 78s (refueller aircraft), with Israeli or Russian pumping
pods and fuelling systems. This INTEROPERABILITY is to be
complemented and it may be mentioned that the Indian Navy had been
doing so for years with foreign Navies –– it was mainly the
Indian Foreign Service mandarins who dissuaded contacts, citing Non
Alignment as a reason. In any case NAM is slowly dying. It is hoped
the IAF invited some Navy pilots also to learn from the exercises.
personnel involved with the exercise, from the Mirage expert Air
Marshal Ajit Bhavnani SASO Central Command, to the lowest ranked
must have put their best foot forward and gained operationally.
have had some experience in controlling IAF pilots and seen foreign
Air Forces and we can vouch for the outstanding ability of young
Indian pilots who are equal to the best in the world. The French
pilots have been showering well-deserved praise on them for their
‘dog fight’ capability. Now the three Services should look at
closer inter-service cooperation and interoperability. There is so
much that can be gained –– interoperability, budget and
procurement policies, etc., to ensure that India's defence from
South Block is the very best.
post below comments from our expert Sayan Mazumdar:
recent air exercise between the IAF and the French Armee de l'Air at
Gwalior, involving Mirage 2000 fighters of both nations is a
significant step in te context of interoperability and modernisation
plans of the IAF –– both in terms of projected procurements and
air combat tactics.
several good reasons air-to-air combat is moving towards BVR (Beyond
Visual Range) engagements on a significant scale. The fighters of
USAF (United States Air Force), Israeli Heyl Ha' Avir and French
Armee de l'Air, have profound experience on flexible
ground-controlled independent BVR engagements during peace and
wartime, on the basis of their on-board systems, which are
adequately fed by AWACS (Airborne Warning And Control System)
platforms. These aspects are bound to enlighten the IAF on recent
trends. However WVR (Within Visual Range) combat still enjoys a firm
footing in the modern combat scenario and holds the key under
certain circumstances.
the single factor that is pushing air-to-air combat towards BVR
engagements is the arrival of deadly WVR AAMs (Air-to-Air Missiles)
like Russian R-73RDM2 (AA-11 Archer) or Israeli Python 4, with high
off-bore sight engagement capability. Mated to HMS (Helmet Mounted
Sight) they create a "no escape envelope" projecting
destruction of a good percentage of fighters –– of both sides in
case of a multi-bogey engagement situation.
make matters worse the United States Raytheon developed AIM-9X
Sidewinder has arrived with a revolutionary ‘staring focal plane
array technology’, that has inherently better IRCCM (Infra-Red
Counter Counter Measures) and is readily programmable for new IRCCM
techniques in future. This particular staring focal plane array
technology, also passed to the European ASRAAM (Advanced Short-Range
Air-to-Air Missile) project, provides greater ability to reject
flares and other countermeasures.
the present trend seems to be the preferred armament of a fair
number of active-radar homing "launch and leave" BVR
missiles like Russian R-77 RVV-AE (AA-12 Adder), American AMRAAM
(Advanced Medium Range Air to Air Missile) or French MICA, along
with a low minimum range, so that they can be used both in BVR and
WVR engagements. In AMRAAM's case in particular, "vector
scan" and other modes along with advanced combat tactics
actually denigrate the performance of a dedicated WVR weapon.
the arrival of high performance AESA (Active Electronically Scanned
Arrays) fighter radar and formidable AWACS platforms, BVR combat has
become the preferred choice. In future, development of GaAe (Gallium
Arsenide) microchips, which have faster processing speeds than
silicon, require less power to operate and more resistant to
radiation, will enhance the capability of radar even further.
Whereas IFF (Identification Friend or Foe) remains a problem because
of incorrect and absent returns and "spoofing", AWACS
platforms are presently deployed for reconfirmation of enemy
airborne targets at extended ranges. In the long term, development
of Electro-optical seeker technology coupled with on-board threat
database will let the missiles themselves determine the legitimacy
of the target.
combat however faces challenges with the arrival of stealth
technology which makes detection of fighters at extreme ranges
difficult. Possibly for this reason ultra-long-range AAM projects
like Russian Novator Ks-172 and western equivalents stand suspended
or cancelled. Presently long-range AAM projects like Russian K-77M,
or American ERAAM (Extended Ranged Air to Air Missile) are designed
to intercept manoeuvring targets beyond 160 km. Energy is conserved
to perform hard manoeuvre at long ranges rather than to increase the
range even further.
was satisfying to note that the IAF was quick enough to absorb the
French BVR tactics. Before the end of the year the IAF Sukhoi-30s
will "engage" USAF F-15s and hopefully will secure an
importantly, the IAF should conduct joint-exercises with the Israeli
Air Force. There are several good reasons. The USAF takes great
pride over the combat record of their F-15s and F-16s. The Americans
claim that these two types of fighters secured around 150 air-to-air
"kills" during wartime without conceding a single loss.
They also concede that Israeli pilots secured the majority of these
"kills" against their Arab neighbours. Israeli pilot Amir
Nahumi is regarded as the lone "F-16 ace" having opened
his "account" in 1981, and followed it up with six more
victories in Beka'a Valley in 1982. More recently, USMC (United
States Marine Corps) F/A-18 Hornets from Balkans theatre armed with
standard models of AIM-9 Sidewinder engaged in mock air combats with
Israeli Air Force fighters armed with Python 3 and Python 4 missiles
in conjunction with DASH helmet mounted sight. The Israelis
prevailed in 220 out of 240 engagements.
these demonstrate the high level of skill and professionalism of
Israeli pilots and the Indians are sure to acquire valuable inputs
and experience through joint combat exercises with the Israelis.
Preferably the Indians will also get the "feel" of Phalcon
AWACS system in Israeli service. Recent reports suggest that Phalcon
has a detection range of over 800 kilometres against airborne
targets and can handle around 60 simultaneous targets.”
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