Delhi, 12 October 2005
Another interesting piece on the
media expose that the Navy will get 2 Akula submarines on lease and
that training was to commence shortly, was received from Sayan
Majumdar. Now that the Scorpene Type 75 contract has been signed,
the long awaited deal is a reality. The Scorpene design is based on
the French nuclear submarine design and that was a plus for the
Indian Navy. This deal was opposed on TV by a former CNS, for its
supposed shadiness, as was the Gorshkov deal opposed by another
former CNS. However their voices did not seem to count, except that
their utterances and writings may have delayed the deals –– one
wonders why senior ex-naval officers do not leave the present
Admirals alone and trust them to take the right decisions –– and
enjoy the cake as their predecessors did, except that the cake is
now bigger and better! Therein lies another tale...
The Chief of Naval Staff Admiral
Arun Prakash and other dignitaries and media were present for the
signing and one wonders if ex-Chiefs were invited –– the deal is
the biggest the Navy has signed so far. The CNS had just returned
from a three-day visit to Japan, where he visited the a US Pacific
Fleet's Naval Base at Yokusaka and held discussions with the
Japanese, who are keen to co-opt themselves in ensuring the security
of their energy lanes in the Indian Ocean.
The first two subs will be supplied
in kits and will have all French combat and other equipment and SM
39 Exocets –– thereafter the Indian Navy will be free to choose
equipment of its own choice for the follow-on four subs –– the
Navy has ambitions and has hopes to adapt the boats to nuclear
propulsion if it is technically feasible. The first boat will be
commissioned in 2012 and our good wishes are with the Navy and MDL.

Akula –– Predator of the
By Sayan Majumdar
According to media reports India is
all set to get two Akula Class third-generation multipurpose Nuclear
powered hunter-killer Submarines (SSN) on lease, with the obvious
option to buy them, from Russia. The official formalities may near
completion around 2005–06. According to sources, the recent
construction of a training centre for the Indian defence officers in
Sosnovy Bor, west of St Petersburg, confirms Russia’s intentions
to lease Akula SSNs to India. The international centre is scheduled
to start training 300 Indian Naval officers by mid-September 2005
including Akula crews.
The centre incidentally trains
Russian naval officers and houses working marine nuclear reactors
and is used to test nuclear fuel and other technologies applicable
to nuclear submarine reactors. Thus the accommodation of Indian
naval officers at the Centre do indicate far-reaching consequences
beyond leasing of the Akula SSNs and possibly aimed at imparting
sufficient training and expertise to enable the Indians to develop
their own nuclear-powered submarines.
The statement holds more relevance
if the Indian Advanced Technology Vessel (ATV) is indeed a
customised version of Russian Project 885 Yasen/Severodvinsk Class
SSN, itself a further development of the Akula Class, with advanced
features such as spherical bow sonar, canted torpedo tubes and
Vertical Launch System (VLS) for submarine launched missiles. A
“Russian origin” ATV along with advanced features of French
Scorpene Class submarines like the SUBTICS automated action
information system/combat management system will emerge as a
formidable platform for nuclear deterrence.
The two Akula SSNs, one 70 to
85-percent complete and the other 40 to 60-percent complete are
awaiting completion at Komsomolsk-on-Amur Shipbuilding Plant. In
spite of conflicting reports one of them is reported to be K-152
Nerpa (The Seal) at the final stage of construction and may be
destined for the Indian Navy (IN). The Akula SSNs in IN service may
be assigned the role of chief Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) units in
company of IN aircraft carrier battle groups (CVBG) sailing some
distance in front of advancing CVBG as vanguard while another SSN
follows-up to protect the rear quarter. To cite a parallel, Akula
Class K -461 Volk of the Russian Navy during 1995–1996 provided
ASW cover to Russian aircraft carrier battle group (CVBG) headed by
Orel Class aircraft carrier “Admiral Kuznetsov" in its
“distant” deployment.
The Russian origin Project 971
Shuka-B Bars Class SSNs are known in the West as the Akula Class
after the lead submarine K-284 Akula. A traditional follow-on to
Victor III design, the Akula Class SSNs along with Project 945
Sierra Class SSNs for the first time posed a serious challenge to
western navies in terms of overall submarine technology. Being true
multi-purpose vessels, the Akulas in addition to fulfilling its ASW
commitments is also capable of strikes against groups of hostile
ships and against coastal installations. From the outset acoustic
silence was top priority among Russian naval designers in which the
western navies traditionally enjoyed a decent lead. The St.
Petersburg-based Malachite Marine Engineering Bureau under the
outstanding Chief Designer Georgy Chernyshev developed the Project
971, using a steel hull, and the design was initiated in 1976. Yuri
Farafontov succeeded Georgy after his death in 1997.
At 110-meters long (Akula II), the
Akula is double-hulled with considerable distance between the outer
and inner hulls to reduce the possible damage to the inner hull. The
double hull construction also increases the reserve buoyancy of the
submarine by as much as three times over that of a single hull
craft. Ballast tanks are located between the inner and outer hulls,
and limber-holes are provided for the free-flooding sections between
the hulls. For silent operation Akula class submarines incorporate
limber-hole covers that can be closed to reduce or eliminate this
source of unwanted noise. The hull is made of low magnetic steel,
and divided into seven compartments, and features a distinctive high
aft fin. The broad beam of the Akula Class appears to be related to
measures intended to reduce propulsion machinery noise. The broader
beam will facilitate isolation of propulsion machinery and its
associated pumps and gearing from hull by installing them on an
insulated “raft”. Noise reduction efforts include rafting the
propulsion plant, isolation of the raft from the hull, and anechoic
tiles on the outside and inside of the hulls. It is also reported
that active noise cancellation techniques have been installed.
The submarines were built by the
Amur Shipbuilding Plant Joint Stock Company at Komsomolsk-on-Amur
and at the Severodvinsk shipbuilding yard. Seven Project 971 Akula I
submarines were commissioned between 1986 and 1992, and three
Project 971 U Improved Akula followed between 1992 and 1995. Three
Project 971A Akula II, with extended hull length and advanced
acoustic silencing technology, followed these developments. The
third, K-335 Gepard, was commissioned Russian Navy in August 2001
and incidentally holds the distinction of being the first Russian
SSN to be commissioned in twenty-first century. Classified as Akula
III Gepard’s advanced features allows to classify her as a 3-plus
generation SSN in terms of performance characteristics she is very
close to fourth-generation nuclear subs. Gepard appears more
elongated and slightly “pugged on the sides” to accommodate
barriers for retractable gears. The prominent gondola of the towed
sonar antenna mounted on the aft vertical fin appears more compact.
The Akula II is 110-metres long and
displaces up to 13,800-tons. It has a maximum submerged speed of
33-knots, thanks to the main machinery that consists of a VM-5
pressure water reactor with a model OK-650B high-density reactor
core rated at 190MW with a GT3A turbine developing 35MW driving a
seven-bladed fixed-pitch propeller. The operational diving depth is
520-metres that extend to the maximum diving depth of 600-metres.
Thus if deployed in a more offensive role, the high underwater speed
with a deep diving capability enables the Akula SSN to evade a
considerable spectrum of enemy ASW defences by passing beneath them.
Surface-launched ASW weapons such as homing torpedoes would take a
long time to reach the operating depth of the Akula SSN that the
later would by then have passed out of range of the acoustic homing
Moreover the Akula retains the
capability to approach the permanent thermo cline layers in the
oceans to exploit its formidable MGK-503M Skat (Shark Gill) sonar
suite with additional flank array extending for about one-third of
the hull. The sonar suite provides automatic target detection in
broad and narrow band modes in active mode while in passive,
listening mode hostile enemy sonar faces risk of detection. The
sonar signal processor is flexible enough to detect and
automatically classify targets as well as reject spurious acoustic
noise sources and compensate for variable acoustic conditions.
The “thermo cline” thermal
layer in oceans has a major influence on ASW operations as it
affects the velocity of sound and in permanent thermo cline (found
at depths of 300 to 400-m in equatorial areas and 500 to 1,000-m in
sub-tropical areas) the velocity reaches the minimum. This layer of
minimum velocity, known as the deep sound channel, has a variety of
effects, and it is theoretically possible that a submarine can
operate in this deep sound channel, exploiting this effect to
achieve very long-range detection. In addition, in later Akulas a
number of prominent non-acoustic sensors appear on the fin leading
edge and in the forward casing capable of carrying out wake tracking
of the enemy surface units under surveillance.
To complement the formidable
sensors Molniya-M/Pert Spring Satellite Communications (SATCOM)
provides greater situational awareness, critical in pursuit and
interception missions of hostile fleet. Russian Akula Class SSN K
-154 Tigre under the command of Aleksey Burilichev was reportedly
successful of discreetly shadowing a particular United States Navy (USN)
Ohio Class Ballistic missile armed nuclear-powered submarine (SSBN)
in its “SSBN sanctuary” at least in one instance.
Akula SSN enjoys considerable
stand-off distance as against enemy submarines as its
“plunge-fly-plunge” ASW missiles consists of Novator Tsakra
(SS-N-15 ‘Starfish’) and the Novator (SS-N-16 ‘Stallion’).
The Starfish, fired from the four/six 533-mm tubes, has a target
range (inertial flight) of 45-km. The Stallion, fired from the four
650-mm tubes, has a longer range of up to 100-km. Both the Stallion
and the Starfish enjoys the choice of a 200kt warhead or a Type 40
torpedo in response to tactical circumstances. For Indian Navy the
91RE1 variant of the in-service Klub family of cruise missiles may
be an option. The 91RE1 is designed to be launched from a 533-mm
torpedo tube at depths of up to 150-meters while the launch
submarine is traveling at up to 15 knots. At the maximum launch
depth, target engagement can be at a range of up to 50-km.
For enemy surface units the Akula
is a potential menace in her own right. To attack enemy shipping the
Akula is armed with two types of devastating “sprint queen
projectiles”. The PJ-10 BrahMos Anti-Ship Cruise Missile (ASCM), a
joint venture between Indian DRDO and Russian NPO Mashinostroyeniya
(NPO Mash). BrahMos inherits a low Radar Cross Section (RCS) with an
active radar homing seeker to facilitate fire-and-forget launch.
Varieties of flight trajectories including sea-skimming or terminal
pop-up followed by a deadly dive complicate the task of the
adversary. Mid-course guidance is inertial, developed and refined by
Indian scientists. A 290-km long flight range with high supersonic
(Mach 2.8) speed will lead to lower target dispersion and quicker
engagement and higher destructive capability aided by the large
kinetic energy of impact. In most of the cases the target warship
will be denied sufficient time to react even if alerted. The missile
appears to have been developed to defeat the increasing
sophistication of ship-based defences comprising of longer-ranged
and enhanced flexible phased-array radars in combination with point-defence
missile systems, "closed-loop" Close-In Weapon Systems (CIWS)
and smart decoys.
The BrahMos will turn out to be an
even more deadly ASCM if the Indian software designers have by now
matured the already formidable guidance system of the BrahMos
predecessor SS-N-26 Yakhont which has accumulated all the NPO Mash
experience in developing electronic systems of Artificial
Intelligence (AI). Thus in case of a salvo launch, a flock of
BrahMos will be able to allocate and range targets by their
importance and choose the attack implementation plan. The
independent control system will take care of the Electronic Counter
Measures (ECM) and Electronic Counter-Counter Measures (ECCM) data,
and also the methods of evading the fire of the enemy's air defense
systems. After destroying the main target in a CVBG or surface
action group, the remaining missiles will destroy the other ships
eliminating in the process the possibility of using two missiles on
single target.
In addition to BrahMos, the RK-55
Shkval rocket-propelled heavyweight torpedo fired from torpedo tubes
will cripple even a 100,000-ton aircraft carrier with a couple of
successful hits. The very stealthy nature of Akula SSN means that
the imminent BrahMos or Shkavl onslaught will be least likely to be
detected perhaps until the “final moment” if ever, nullifying
any possible countermeasures. In naval circles it is well known and
accepted that anti-ship missiles fired from submerged submarines
constitute the deadliest anti-ship missile threats of all.
While surfaced the SSN has an air
defence capability provided by a shoulder-fired Strela SA-N-5/8
portable missile launcher with 18 missiles. Limitations are obvious
here and an anti-aircraft/helicopter missile system that can be
fired at hovering helicopters from submerged submarines seems to be
obligatory, as recent breakthroughs have reportedly been made in
this sphere.
The challenge to the Indian Navy
lies will be to retain the “strategic arm” of the Akulas it
inducts in its fleet. The Project 971 design attained a strategic
nuclear deterrence role around 1978–80 as the design was
improvised to accommodate up to twelve 3,000-km ranged plus 200-kt
nuclear-tipped RK-55 Granat (SS-N-21 Sampson) “Tomahawkski”
strategic Land Attack Cruise Missile (LACM) for precision strike
against high-value coastal installations and on specific targets
further inland. The guidance system combines inertial-Doppler
navigation and position correction based on comparison of terrain in
the assigned regions with images stored in the memory of an on-board
computer (TERCOM).
The propulsion system is a
dual-flow engine located underneath the missile's tail. The Circular
Error Probable (CEP) is respectable 150-metres. The missile flies at
a height of 200-m at Mach 0.7 to complicate enemy interception
procedures. In light of present circumstances the Indian Navy should
ask for integration of this particular LACM to her small fleet of
Akulas to enhance the nation’s strategic retaliatory capability.
In light of rampant proliferation of ballistic and cruise missiles
in “immediate neighborhood” India is in no position of abiding,
albeit not a signatory, Missile Technological Control Regime (MTCR)
restrictions in “critical spheres“.
Finally it has been reported that in Severodvinsk
shipbuilding yard work is progressing on two further Akulas,
“Cougar” and “Lynx”. If the Chinese Peoples Liberation Army
Navy (PLAN) is indeed interested in those two vessels, the Indian
Navy should also target the same costs notwithstanding. It may be
stated with a certain degree of surety that as against a decent
price the Russian officials will be content to deliver those two
additional Akulas to the Indian Navy rather than to its immediate
neighbour, for well established strategic equations.
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