THE NUCLEAR DEAL 22 October 2008 It has been pulled off! All the nay sayers said it couldn't be done but Manmohan and Bush had the last laugh. Karat & Co pulled out the plug, BJP & Co said UPA had sold the country to the US -- but perhaps in their heart of hearts they wished that they had done it. They were merely playing politics without bothering to read the Hyde Act or the text of the draft 123 agreement. It was a singular triumph for the PM Manmohan Singh who with a Sardarji's steely resolve pursued the deal, even offering to resign if it was not done, and was finally rewarded with success. Significantly, the approval of the IAEA, NSG and the US Senate has allowed India to be equated with the big 5 nuclear states, without signing the NPT. India's impeccable record of commitment to nuclear non proliferation and peaceful uses of nuclear energy have been recognised and rewarded. It was this equality that we craved more than just the need for electric power. We should savour the special treatment given to India by the NSG nations. The positive gains:
For all the politics of the deal and the doom spelt out by the nay sayers, the deal is a singular achievement by our government and they need our congratulations and support. There is nothing in the deal which prevents our capacity to use nuclear power for strategic purposes. In the event we feel the need to carry out more nuclear testing and there is fear of sanctions from USA again, we should wait to cross that hurdle when the time comes. There is nothing in the deal to say that we must get all our supplies from USA. So, please keep your comments coming. With this deal what have we gained or lost? |
Comments: (Send by email to idc1@ispone.net or use Feedback page) Shashi P. Singh, Albuquerque, NM 87108 USA Tel: 505-348-9177 (SSingh@lrri.org) India's communists are the fifth column of the enemy. They have played the same game since pre-independence times. They follow a failed ideology and they have fossilized minds which reflect their thinking. They think that what is good for China and Pakistan is not good for India because that will make India compete successfully. China's occupation of Tibet and controlling Himalayas is no problem for them. China's transfer of nuclear bomb and missile is OK for them. Did you ever heard any opposition from them? Giving Kashmir to Pakistan is a good idea for them. Surrendering to terrorism is the way to eliminate terror from India. Marxist politicians in the garb of "historians" have been spreading lies to our students. In fact they don't exist for India. They are based in India for enemies of India. We should not expect anything from them. Oppostion of nuclear deal by them should have been expected. Jimmy J
I want the Left to think about
a different scenario, where India is willing to provide nuclear technology
for civilian use to another country, say Iran. Will we not like to ensure
that the cooperation in no way is utilized for the military program of
that country? Will we let the international community blame us for being
irresponsible? What the Left and all parties should also try to see is how
responsible the US Congress is and the way the US Congress works and see
whether we can create a decent Parliament that is a role model to others,
rather than creating a local market area in a prestigious institution that
governs a billion population. Let the Left parties ponder these questions
and give us an answer. |
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